Tragedy struck yesterday as 26 innocent victims were shot dead at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut by a Teenager "Adam Lanza". The alleged shooter shot and killed his own mother in her home before getting in her car, with her guns, and driving to the nearby elementary school. There he took the lives of 20 children, all between the ages of 5 and 10, six adults and then himself.

Lanza, dressed in black military gear and a bulletproof vest, had two handguns and a rifle on him, which were all purchased legally by his mother. Authorities are now tracing three additional guns, all single-action rifles. Lanza reportedly attempted to purchase a gun this past Tuesday but was unsuccessful.
This is so heartbreaking and I just don't understand the demons living in some people nowadays. #Signsoftheendtimes
Lanza, dressed in black military gear and a bulletproof vest, had two handguns and a rifle on him, which were all purchased legally by his mother. Authorities are now tracing three additional guns, all single-action rifles. Lanza reportedly attempted to purchase a gun this past Tuesday but was unsuccessful.
After the tragedy that struck Newtown, Connecticut, President Obama addressed the nation in a brief but emotional speech. Doing his best to hold back the tears, Obama stated:
View the video below for more on the speech."We’ve endured too many of these tragedies in the last few years...we're going to have to come together and take meaningful action to prevent future tragedies like this."
This is so heartbreaking and I just don't understand the demons living in some people nowadays. #Signsoftheendtimes
What is this world turning into??????? SAD:(