Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Dear Belarich: Men Are Evil...

Dear Belarich,
I'm in tears typing this email and words cannot express how much pain my heart is in right now. I was dating this guy for close to 4 years now and we are both in the UK, he was my first love. He deflowered me and we were already making plans to get married because he proposed on my birthday last year. He recently traveled to Nigeria for a week to visit his parents and I was at first adamant about the journey because it wasn't planned at all. You can imagine how shocked i was to find out that not only was the journey prearranged by his family, it was also for his marriage. The worse part was that i had to find out on facebook through the pictures he personally uploaded. I still believe it is his twin from somewhere because it's not possible for him to just through me like that. I really do not know what to do now because it feels like a dream and that I might wake up and find out that it was a joke.
Nothing hurts more than the betrayal of a loved one and being in denial about what has happened won't help you either. It's either you have a talk with him to get closure or avoid him totally, it all depends on how you feel. But the greatest weapon you can ever use in this case is "FORGIVENESS", because if you forgive him, you have given vengeance to the LORD. You'll be fine and you'll love again.

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