Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Dear Belarich: I Kissed My Boyfriend's Brother..

This letter is from Katie in Cayman Islands and it reads;
Dear Belarich,
My boyfriend and I have been together for close to a year now and i only recently met his family when we went over for holiday. We spent close to 3 weeks on the island before returning back home and during that time i got to spend a lot of time with my boyfriend's brother. I was initially drawn to him because of his green eyes that seem to see right through me and this made me quite apprehensive when I'm around him. The last week before we left, he asked to take me on a jet ski, and though i protested but my boyfriend was up for it and forced me to go, claiming i would enjoy it. I did enjoy it but way too much- during one of his maneuvering of the jet ski, i fell into the water and he jump after me to pull me back up. And as i clung to him to put me back on the ski, our eyes met and we kissed. I couldn't tell my boyfriend and I couldn't stop thinking about it but i knew it was all wrong. I'm so confused and it's affecting my sex life because anytime I'm kissing my boyfriend, all i can think of is his brother's kiss. What should I do?
Well, tell the truth and it shall set you free...What do y'all think?

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