Wednesday, 24 October 2012

UPDATE: A Black Lady Attacked And Set Ablaze

On monday, i posted a report on a lady,Sharmeka Moffitt,who was alledgely attacked and set burned by 2 white men wearing a hood. Well, in a new report, after thorough investigation, the Police in Winnsboro announced at a news conference yesterday that they believe the 20-year-old fabricated a story about being attacked and burned Sunday night at Civitan Park by three men who wrote “KKK” on the hood of her car.
News-Star reported that;
"Police now believe it was Moffitt who wrote “KKK” and “nigger” on the hood of her Buick LaCross with toothpaste and then set fire to herself. She told police she couldn’t identify the race of those she claimed had attacked her. She called 911 from the park".
Moffitt told police she was walking on a park trail when she was attacked and set ablaze by three men wearing white T-shirt hoodies on Sunday night. She remains at LSU Health Sciences Center in Shreveport in critical condition.

Also,the Franklin Sun reports evidence from the State Police Crime Lab, which shows Moffitt's fingerprints were on both the cigarette lighter and lighter fluid found near the scene at Civitan Park.
Hmmmm, why would someone do this?

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